Chesapeake Goldendoodles

Chesapeake Goldendoodles

Meet the Parents

Name: Morey

Specifics: AKC/CKC Registered Standard Poodle

Color: Brown

Height: 26 inches at the shoulders

Weight: 65 pounds

Morey is our sire. He is a smart, playful, and loving boy. Morey is happiest while jumping and bouncing around in the back yard. While inside, he will lay at or on your feet no matter whether you are sitting or standing. Morey is a lover of all people, young and not so young.

Name: Babette

Specifics: AKC/CKC Registered Golden Retriever

Color: Light Cream

Height: 24 inches at the shoulders

Weight: 75 pounds

Babette is one of our dams. She is a beautiful, smart, and calm girl. Babette was always at the top of her training classes, winning several competitions. She loves to lean against you and place her head on your lap while looking up at you with her beautiful eyes. Babette knows no stranger, she just loves everyone.

Name: Miss Patty

Specifics: CKC Registered Standard F1 Goldendoodle

Color: Light Cream

Height: 20 inches at the shoulders

Weight: 60 pounds

Miss Patty is one of our dams. She is a sweet, smart, and playful girl. Miss Patty is very cuddly and loves attention. She enjoys playing fetch in the backyard with our other dogs and her tail never stops wagging.

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